Corporate Social Responsibility

At Solutions Embassy we recognise that our operations influence the local, regional and global environment, and ensure that good environmental management is an integral and fundamental part of our business strategy.

To help us minimise our impact on the environment we have devised and implemented an Environmental Management System across the organisation.

Some of the measures we have set to reduce our impact on the environment include:

  • conserving natural resources by reducing the use of energy by using recycled materials and products wherever practical, and by reducing water consumption;
  • reducing pollution through waste management;
  • good use of recycling services;
  • educating our employees, the people who use our services and our suppliers and contractors to recognise their responsibilities regarding the protection of the environment and to communicate this at all levels;
  • complying with relevant environmental legislation and regulations;
  • encouraging and working with our partners, suppliers and sub-contractors to improve their environmental performance.